Isabel Salazar | Women in Construction

Note: After this article was published, TexasBit became Texas Materials. 

“It’s better to try and fail, then not even try to begin with. Just go for it. You might surprise yourself.” – Isabel Salazar

Isabel began as a receptionist before moving into a role as a mix design specialist – a job that makes her feel like a kid again. Though it can be challenging, especially as a woman in construction, Isabel knows how important it is to “just go for it.” Watch her interview to learn more about who she looks up to, and her advice for others.


English transcription: Hi, I’m Isabel Salazar. I’m a mixed design specialist with TexasBit. I’ve been here six years. I started off as a receptionist. I wasn’t happy being stuck in an office and now it’s like I’m a kid that gets to play with dirt and rocks every day, and it’s so much fun. It’s a little intimidating. It’s really hard to come in as a woman into a male-dominated industry and be like the only one in that room. You’re like the underdog. I mean, you’re scared, but you have to do it. If not for yourself, you know, for your family, for your kids, for your mom, whoever inspires you. So I’m born and raised here in Dallas, Texas. My mom is an immigrant from San Luis Potosi, Mexico. She came here at 18. She didn’t know the language, you know just completely left her country. So she’s really inspired me, like as a woman to work hard for everything that I have. Just try it. It’s better to try and fail than not even try to begin with. Just go for it. It’s the best advice I have. It’s not the wisest, but just go for it. You might surprise yourself.

Spanish transcription: Hola, soy Isabel Salazar. Soy una especialista en diseño mixto con TexasBit. He estado aquí seis años. Empecé como recepcionista. No estaba feliz de estar atrapada en una oficina y ahora es como si fuera una niña que se pone a jugar con tierra y rocas todos los días, y es muy divertido. Es un poco intimidante. Es muy difícil entrar como mujer en una industria dominada por los hombres y ser la única en esa habitación. Eres como la desfavorecida. Tienes miedo, pero tienes que hacerlo. Si no por ti, por tu familia, por tus hijos, por tu mamá, quien te inspire. Nací y me crié aquí en Dallas, Texas. Mi mamá es una inmigrante de San Luis Potosí, México. Ella vino aquí a los 18. Ella no sabía el idioma, tan solo dejó su país completamente. Ella realmente me inspiró, como mujer a trabajar duro por todo lo que tengo. Solo inténtalo. Es mejor intentar y fallar que ni siquiera intentarlo para empezar. Solo hazlo. Es el mejor consejo que tengo. No es lo más inteligente, pero hazlo. Puede que te sorprendas a ti mismo.


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